It's kind of odd that I'll be posting this blog on Facebook but finally Candise, Tommy and myself all three have Twitters.  Do you Twitter?


I've had a Twitter for about four years I think.  When I first got on Twitter I thought it was weird and asked myself "Why do I just want to do status updates?  I can only 140 characters?".  Like most people I had a MySpace and when Facebook became more popular I converted.  Twitter wasn't that hard to get used to and as Facebook started adding all the extra apps, options and pages I was thankful I'd been on Twitter for so long.

Twitter seems to be more fun, easier to use and keep in contact with people.  Finally I convinced Tommy to get a Twitter account and he's be a fan ever since.  As of about a week and a half ago Candise got on Twitter, she's still learning but told me she understand why I tweet so much now.  Those of you on Twitter know what I'm talking about.  If you're not on Twitter, give it a shot.  If you don't like it just cancel the account.   Tweet us!


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