A Super Blue Moon and an Eclipse Together
A 'Super Blue Moon' will appear on Jan. 30th, along with an eclipse...
The blue moon gets its name by being the second full moon in a single calendar month, which happens every 2 to 3 years. The moon doesn’t actually appear to be blue. Originally, people used the term to state that something was different about the moon.
But there was a time in history when a true “blue moon” did appear. In 1883, after the Krakatoa volcano erupted, ash and debris created a filter that caused the moon to appear blue.
This year’s blue moon is particularly special because it coincides with a time when the moon will be exceptionally close to the earth, making it a “super blue moon” which is 15 percent brighter and 30 percent larger than the full moons you usually see.
There is also another phenomenon going on at the same time as the super blue moon... a total lunar eclipse! While the full moon is at its fullest and it's closest point to the earth, a total eclipse will occur, creating a beautiful reddish hue on the moon because of the Earth’s shadow. The combination of these events hasn't been witnessed in over 150 years, according to NASA.
This is a once in a lifetime sight. Those in western North America, throughout the Pacific Ocean and eastern Asia will have the best opportunity to see the 'Super Blue Moon'.. Portions of Australia and New Zealand will also have the opportunity to see it. Those in the Middle East and Eastern Europe might not be so lucky.