Jeremy Taylor

Do You Use Coupons? — Survey of the Day
Thanks to the bad economy and shows such as ‘Extreme Couponing,’ coupons should be as popular as ever. But how many people actually use them while shopping?

Would You Forgive Your Partner for Cheating? — Survey of the Day
When it comes to infidelity, women are a lot more forgiving than men.

Who Should Pay for a Wedding? — Survey of the Day
Tradition dictates that a bride’s parents pay for a wedding.
But is that still the norm as nuptials become more and more costly and people are getting married at older and older ages?

Are Americans Getting More or Less Honest? — Survey of the Day
Thanks partially to presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, Americans have always prided themselves on being honest.
But are we still following the example of these icons?

Dogs Who Chase Their Tails May Suffer From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
When we see a pooch chase its tail, we tend to just dismiss it as a dog being a dog. But there appears to be more to this illogical canine behavior, as researchers from Finland have been able to link it to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Do You Hunt or Fish? — Survey of the Day
Thanks to the frontier spirit that helped found this nation, hunting and fishing are pretty ingrained into the American psyche.
But how many folks in the United States still participate in these outdoor activities?

Which Do You Prefer on Your Smartphone — Keyboard or Touchscreen? — Survey of the Day
Smarthphones are now used by half of all Americans.
Thanks to the iPhone, touch screens have challenged the QWERTY keyboard for the entry method of choice on a smartphone. But has Apple’s improved touch screen technology made consumers forget about the more traditionally reliable keyboard?

How Did You Meet Your Best Friend? — Survey of the Day
Sometimes best friends have an interesting story about how they met. Sometimes they don’t.
But, no matter what, to be best friends means you did meet at some point.

Dumb Thief Tries to Sell Stolen Bike on Craigslist, Gets Busted By Owner
If you had your bike stolen, what’s the first thing you would do? If this video is any indication, you should probably check Craigslist. (Note: video contains NSFW language)

Do You Support a Manned Flight to Mars? — Survey of the Day
Mars is in the news these days thanks to the Curiosity rover which recently landed on the red planet. The goal of the six-wheeled robot is to find signs of life on Mars, and NASA also hopes that its 23 month mission will increase public awareness of the space program.
But will it rekindle interest in sending a manned mission to Mars?