Woman Visited Daily by Porcupine and Now It Has Over 200,000 Instagram FollowersWoman Visited Daily by Porcupine and Now It Has Over 200,000 Instagram FollowersMeet Alfred, the porcupine who's stealing hearts (and snacks) with over 230K Instagram followers.Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
20 Fascinating Photos Showing How Massive Zoo Animals Are Weighed20 Fascinating Photos Showing How Massive Zoo Animals Are WeighedIt's not easy to haul a giraffe into the doctor's office for his annual physical. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
'Doomsday Fish' Found, Here's Why People Are Worried'Doomsday Fish' Found, Here's Why People Are WorriedA popular belief in Japanese culture is that the presence of an oarfish in shallow waters means a natural disaster is imminent.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
What Does It Mean When You Are Visited by a Cardinal?What Does It Mean When You Are Visited by a Cardinal?Some people believe that a visit from a cardinal is not only lucky, it's a heavenly connection. Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
Do Butterflies Actually Drink Turtle Tears?Do Butterflies Actually Drink Turtle Tears?Whether you say "Awwww!" or "Ahhhh!" when you see videos of butterflies swarming around turtles, we're here to find out if this heartwarming scene is real or just something artificial intelligence cooked up.Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
Seagulls Don’t Exist. Seriously.Seagulls Don’t Exist. Seriously.While it may sound like a bird-brained piece of trivia, there's some science behind it. So, hold onto your french fries and prepare to be amazed. Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
What It Means When You See an OwlWhat It Means When You See an OwlOwls are mysterious in so many ways, so when you cross paths with one, what does it mean? Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
Ugh, Deer Flies! I Just Discovered a Stupidly Easy Way to Outsmart ThemUgh, Deer Flies! I Just Discovered a Stupidly Easy Way to Outsmart ThemTired of deer flies ruining your summer strolls? Here's a ridiculously simple way to turn the tables on these pesky biters.Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
Relaxing Fishing Trip Turns into Daring Rescue of 38 Dogs in LakeRelaxing Fishing Trip Turns into Daring Rescue of 38 Dogs in LakeIt took three boatloads to safely bring all the pups to shore.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Watch Man and 4 Cool Dogs Chill at Texas FountainWatch Man and 4 Cool Dogs Chill at Texas FountainThis man and his four sunglass-sporting dogs are the coolest things you'll see today.Eric RyanEric Ryan