Marvel stars Chris Pratt and Chris Evans—Seahawks and Patriots fans, respectively—made a bet on Twitter on which of their teams would win the Super Bowl. At stake? The loser would have to visit a local charity dressed as their superhero. The Patriots beat the Seahawks in dramatic fashion, so Pratt, in full Star-Lord costume, lived up to his end of the bargain and visited Christopher's Haven, a home for kids and their families battling cancer in Boston.

Pratt updated his Facebook page with the message, “Starlord is roud [sic] to be in Boston today at Christopher's Haven with Chris Evans and some awesome families” and some photos from the event. In addition to meeting with the kids and their families, he brought along a slew of ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ toys for everyone.

The so-called “Twitterbowl” also raised over $27,000 for Christopher's Haven and Seattle Children’s Hospital. And, it's not too late to donate to either Christopher's Haven or Seattle Children's Hospital by clicking on those links.

Evans was reportedly in Boston dressed as Captain America, but so far no photographs (we'll update if/when they become available). Despite winning the bet, Evans will join Pratt next to visit families in Seattle, because who could possibly disappoint kids across the country, even if they are Seahawks fans.

UPDATE: Added a photo of Chris Evans (not in costume) at the event.

Check out some photos from the event below, and check out even more photos at Pratt's Facebook page.

Chris Pratt Chris Evans Super Bowl bet hospital
Christopher's Haven, Twitter
Chris Pratt super bowl bet hospital
Chris Pratt, Facebook
Chris Pratt Super Bowl bet
Chris Pratt, Facebook
Chris Pratt chris Evans super bowl bet
Chris Pratt, Facebook
Chris Pratt Chris Evans bet
Christopher's Haven, Twitter
Chris Pratt Chris Evans Super Bowl bet
New England Patriots

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