Well this escalated quickly.

That cold front that rolled in overnight brought with it icy weather that in turn has caused delays in schools and businesses for today.  We'll update this list as needed.

San Angelo ISD — Buses delayed 2 hours. Classes delayed 2 hours

Angelo State University — Classes will start at 10 am. 

Wall ISD - 10:00 Start.  Buses Run 2 Hours Late

Water Valley - Delayed 2 hours

Ambleside School — Delayed 2 hours.

Angelo Catholic School — 2 hour delayed start time.

Christoval ISD — Buses delayed 2 hours. Classes delayed 2 hours.

Claudia's Creative Child Care Center — Delayed 2 hours.

Cornerstone Christian — Delayed 2 hours.

Goodfellow AFB — Delayed 2 hours for non-mission essential personnel.

.Grape Creek ISD — Buses delayed 2 hours. Classes delayed 2 hours

Howard College (All campuses) — 10 am start time.

Joy School — Campus closed.

Miles ISD — 10 am start time. Buses delayed 2 hours.

Paint Rock ISD — 10 am start time. Buses delayed 2 hours.

Potter's Hand Christian School — 10 am start time.

Region IV Service Center — 2 hour delayed start time.

San Angelo Christian Academy — 10 am start time.

TLCA  2 hour delayed start time.

Tom Green County Offices, Courts, Library — Open at 10 am. Jurors report at 10am. Early voting starts at 10:30am.

Trinity Lutheran School —  10 am start time.

YMCA — Open at 8 am. Classes start at 10 am.

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