Cody Johnson Talks with Rolling Stone
Now how cool is this?
Fresh off the release of his brand new album 'Gotta Be Me'. Cody Johnson took time to dial up Rolling Stone from his tour bus and talk to them for an interview.
CoJo's album debuted at number 2 on the Billboard album chart and at number one on the iTunes Country Albums chart. He told Rolling Stone he prefers being an independent artist and has turned away major label deals:
“This title, Gotta Be Me, and this whole independent artist thing is not a shot at, ‘We can do this without you.’ That’s not what this is about,” he cautions. “I respectfully declined those deals because I just felt like if I worked a little harder, and I reached out to the right people, that maybe I could help promote it myself. Maybe I could hire the right people to do some of the same things as a record label.
“I felt like if I hadn’t tried to do this independently, I would have laid in bed every night for the rest of my life going, ‘What if I had done it by myself?’” he says. “And I didn’t want to live with that every day.”
So tell us Concho Valley about what you think of Cody's decision to stay independent. Do you respect his decision to remain an independent artist? Let us know in the below comment section.
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