Has The Time Change Affected You?
As you know, we just changed our clocks to Standard Time over the weekend. I don't know about you, but that one hour certainly effects my routine!
I'm used to getting out of work while there is still sunlight when I get home. I can do all kinds of things outside that I wouldn't necessarily do when it's dark. Mainly because a lot of those things require light!
When we set our clocks back one hour as we have been doing for years on the First Sunday in November, Daylight Saving Time ends and Standard Time begins exactly at 2 am and all of a sudden, you have an extra hour. There's no gradual transition to get use to it. It changed and that's it until we go back to Daylight Savings time on the second Sunday in March and as we have for many years, we will again set our clocks forward one hour and know that we just lost an hour.
I guess we should be used to this since we've been doing it since the mid 60's but no, it's an adjustment for a lot of people, all in their own way with every time change.
“Spring Forward, Fall Backward”....it's a never ending cycle.
I understand the reasoning behind Daylight Saving Time to “save” natural light, since spring, summer, and early fall days get dark later in the evening compared to late fall and winter days. Thus from November to March we go to Standard Time.
Time changes can affect people in numerous ways including things like mood swings, insomnia symptoms, appetite changes, energy levels, alertness, sleep deprivation, health problems, sometimes serious and even things like motor vehicle collisions become factors after time changes.
As for me, I prefer Daylight Saving Time mainly because I like to have some daylight left when I get home from work.
Everyone has their own preference. How about you...do you prefer to spring forward or fall back and why?
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