High School Girl Makes One-Bounce Full Court Shot and You Can Barely Make a Free Throw
A Colorado high school basketball player did something in a game last week that NBA players like Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and Kevin Durant don't even attempt. We'll give you details, but you should watch the video first:
That's Lewis-Palmer High School basketball player Anna Olson of Monument, Colo. making an 80-plus foot shot. On one bounce. Off the floor. No big deal…No, it IS actually a big deal.
Olson's shot, which counted for two points, not three, because of the bounce, helped her team beat Cheyenne Mountain High School, 30-22, on Friday. We're not sure why Olson cut the shot loose with so much time on the clock, but it certainly worked out for her school.
The closest thing we've ever seen to what Olson did with her one-bounce full court shot is those Michael Jordan-Larry Bird McDonald's commercials from the 1990s. Like this:
There are times when you can't be sure how many of those shots that Bird and Jordan made were a result of special effects. As for Kobe, LeBron and KD, they are better off mastering other H.O.R.S.E. shots.
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