Is it Against The Law To Sleep at a Texas Rest Stop?
We've all been there, driving across Texas and you just can't keep your eyes open a minute longer. Luckily you see a Texas rest stop just ahead so you pull over to rest. But is it legal to catch some shut eye at a Texas Rest Stop?
I'll be honest, I'd never given it much thought before tonight. I have taken many a nap on road trips, at least a dozen times, at rest stops all across The Lone Star State. I haven't been thrown in the clink yet. But am I just getting away with breaking the law?
Listen, Texas is long and in a lot of places flat, straight and boring. Anyone who's driven from Fort Worth to Abilene can attest to this. Don't worry the folks who make our laws are aware of this too. Texas state allows overnight parking for up to 24 hours at all rest stops; but no camping is allowed.
Don't set up camp:
A person commits an offense if the person intentionally or knowingly camps in a public place without the effective consent of the officer or agency having the legal duty or authority to manage the public place.
But stay alert. State Farm reminds us that sleeping at rest areas can make you vulnerable to attackers. Although it is legal in Texas, many states have outlawed sleeping at rest stops. They recommend "spending the night at a hotel or campground instead. These options may cost, but extra safety may be worth the money."
Safe travels!