Texans May Not Realize It, But We Are Surrounded By These Beasts!
I don't think Texas gets enough credit for the threats around here.
Scary Wildlife
Texas has its share of scary wildlife. I think everyone knows that we have so many rattlesnakes that Sweetwater, Texas has a rattlesnake festival. Fire ants get a lot of press and do a lot of damage. We also have wasps and Texas mosquitos the size of birds (okay, that's an exaggeration). Let's not forget those weird little scorpions and spiders that will rot a hole in your skin.
Bigger & Scarier
So what tops all of those other threats? I would have to say bears. While your chance of having a bear encounter of any type is small, it would be a little scary to peek out of your tent and find a couple of them rummaging through your stuff. Texas is home to at least two species of black bears that make their home in different areas of the state.
Bear Facts
The bears in Texas are actually somewhat smallish for bears. Texas Parks and Wildlife describe them as such:
Adults reach a length of 5 to 6 feet, height at the shoulder of 2 to 3 feet, and weigh 200-300 pounds.
So while these bears probably wouldn't tower over you, they are about the size of your cousin who always wanted to be a wrestler. I think that's still enough bear to make you soil your sleeping bag.
Be Nice To The Bears
These bears are considered a "threatened" species even though sightings are on the rise. These bears tend to be in east Texas, the Southwest, and even near the Panhandle (we're surrounded!). If you'd like to know more about bear safety, there is a great resource here.