Jaime Padron Memorial Park Rededication is This Saturday
The City of San Angelo will rededicate Jaime Padron Memorial Park following its recent renovation at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 5.
The park at 2750 Ben Ficklin Road until recently was known as Rio Vista Park. The City Council officially renamed it Jaime Padron Memorial Park earlier this year in memory of the former San Angelo police officer who died in the line of duty while working for the Austin Police Department on April 6, 2012.
The rededication will include a ribbon-cutting, words about the park and its namesake, food and drinks, and other activities.
The renovation included new and separate playground equipment for children ages 2-5 and ages 6-12, a moderately sized pavilion overlooking the playground and Red Arroyo separated by stone steps, a restroom facility, new walkways, light fixtures and irrigation, and refurbishment of the practice ball field and courts.
Funding for the renovations came from a federal Housing and Urban Development Section 108 loan along with some half-cent sales tax revenues dedicated to park improvements. Funding for the project totals $813,900 and includes all work for design and implementation.
For more information, contact Parks & Recreation Director Carl White at carl.white@cosatx.us or at (325) 657-4279.