The City of San Angelo is wanting to inform its citizens about a prescribed burn that will be taking place at the San Angelo State Park tentatively scheduled for January 29th-February 1st.


Texas Parks and Wildlife Department staff are planning to conduct a prescribed burn at San Angelo State Park this coming week. They have set a tentative date to start on January 29th, TPWD will be monitoring weather conditions to adjust the time frame if need be.

Park staff have already begun preparation for the burn by clearing vegetation and fuels from the fire breaks around the park as well as around utility poles, structures and other areas that they do not want burned. The reason for the prescribed burns are to restore forest and prairie habitats that were historically maintained by wild fires that occured naturally. These types of burns help to clear out extra fuels that could serve as fuel for a potentially destructive wildfire that is started by nature.

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Flickr-Raw Processor

The prescribed burn will be conducted by TPWD personnel that have been trained in wildland firefighting and are trained extensively in prescibed burns. Factors that these individuals consider are: wind speed and direction, relative humidity, temperature, and fuel moisture. The training also provides them with the knowledge to guide fire crews in controlling the fire and keeping it from spreading to adjacent properites that are not included in the prescribed burn.

Park Superintendent Kurt Kemp also warns travelers that some areas around the park may experience smoke in certain areas of roadways around the park, if you must travel the area please reduce your speed and use your headlights to navigate those areas. He also states that parts of the park will be closed to the public during the times of the burn for safety reasons.

For more information you can contact the park at 325-949-4757 or 325-949-8935.

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