San Angelo’s Weekly Events And Activities
Memorial Weekend activities, Chili Cookoffs, Downtown Movie Night, A big Rock Show, and more this week in the Concho Valley...
Military veterans and families are invited to the Elks Lodge free brisket lunch this Saturday, May 27th from 11-3. Non-Military are invited to enjoy lunch for a $10.00 donation per plate. To go plates will be available. Along with lunch , there will be games and prizes for the kids. Call the lodge for more information at 227-6920.
Come out to the Water Valley Park for their Memorial Legends Chili Cookoffs this Saturday through Monday (5/27-5/29). Each day benefits a different charity and there will be raffles, pot luck dinners, cake auction, and more. Judges will be needed each day and if you're interested, call Janice at 947-8753 or go to CASIChili.net.
Downtown Movie Night returns just in time to start Memorial weekend. Enjoy 'Finding Nemo' this Friday, May 26th, and 'Finding Dory' on Saturday, May 27th. Movies begin at 9pm and you can bring a lawn chair or blanket. Concessions will be available. Find out more at downtownmovienight.com.
The Concho Valley Farmers Market is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Vendors, who come from a 75-mile radius around San Angelo, will be offering locally grown and seasonal fruits, vegetables and plants from 7 a.m. until they sell out. The farmers market gathers under the pavilion at 609 S. Oakes St. across from Fort Concho. For more information, call 245-3338.
The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts invites you to bring your kids and enjoy an afternoon of art making in the Education Studio During Art Thursday each week! They always feature clay and watercolor, and every three weeks there are two new art projects to try. Visitors are welcome to drop in anytime between 3 and 6. Please allow at least 30 minutes to try all projects. For more information, call 653-3333.
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