How would you like to be walking around one day and find dinosaur tracks? Thanks to the Texas drought, that has pretty much happened, but in an area well known for it's dinosaur discoveries.
While we've had some rainy weather lately in Lubbock and across Texas, we all know that this summer has been one long, dry and hot season. The...
The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts will host Family Day Steam on Saturday, August 13th at the Art Museum on Saturday August located at 1 Love Street. This FREE event runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Two researchers are smelling like roses after cracking the mathematical code that could lead to scents that literally cancel out offensive odors, the way white noise can negate troublesome noises.
I watched a video a few months back about this company offering a "hyperhydrophobic" spray that was in the testing phase. It is now up for purchase at the local supply stores.