
Can You Be Fired For Answering An “Anonymous” Work Survey in Texas?
Can You Be Fired For Answering An “Anonymous” Work Survey in Texas?
Can You Be Fired For Answering An “Anonymous” Work Survey in Texas?
Almost every workplace uses the so-called anonymous survey to query employees. Sometimes, if the company is having a bad month for whatever reason, managers will ask employees to honestly answer some questions in an attempt to get to the bottom of what's wrong. Is it a good idea to answer honestly? Can you be fired?
People And Their Electronic Gadgets
People And Their Electronic Gadgets
People And Their Electronic Gadgets
Electronics have become such a big part of our lives that the thought of being without them, even for a short time, terrifies some people. For the most part, Americans seem pretty happy with their devices, according to the latest American Customer Satisfaction Index, although maybe not quite as pleased as last year, depending on the gadget.

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