The Comanche Moon Social at Buffalo Gap
Quanah Parker, the Quahadi Indian Chief, returns to his old hunting and raiding grounds this Saturday, October 5th,as part of the annual Comanche Moon Social to benefit the Buffalo Gap Historic Village.
In a one-person debut show entitled The Road Man, world-famous star of television and the big screen, Michael Horse, portrays the aging warrior as he sits for a photographer in the parlor of his home, The Star House. Texas Tech playwright in resident Andy Wilkinson brings the aging chief to life by having him converse with the audience as though he is talking with the photographer who shot the series of now famous images. In a series of reminiscences, Quanah will remember the days of his youth on the plains, his mother—Cynthia Anne Parker, and his transition to rancher, businessman, and symbol of the American frontier.
"The stage will be set as in the photos," Wilkinson said. "The props provide keys to important aspects of his life: the past in this Comanche regalia and the photo of his mother, the present in his stock certificate and the fact that he is sitting in his house and not in a tipi, and the future in the portrait of Christ."
Besides being the first ever audience for The Road Man, attendees at the Comanche Moon Social will also enjoy a special menu of buffalo, game, special recipe "punch," and authentic frontier cuisine prepared by world-famous chef, author, and restaurateur Tom Perini of Buffalo Gap, Texas.
"This will be a good old-fashioned gathering with historically appropriate food, silent auction items, a raffle for an amazing bronze sculpture of Quanah as a young war leader or a Henry lever action rifle, unique libations, music, and entertainment," said historian Dr. Donald S. Frazier. "We love educating our audiences about the people, places, and events in the past and mixing that in with West Texas hospitality, fun, and frolic."
Besides having a heck-of-a-good time “Frazier added, "folks coming will be supporting a worthwhile cause and an organization that is passionate about keeping historical awareness alive for future generations."
Tickets to the Comanche Moon Social are $125. Raffle and event tickets may be purchased by calling (325) 572-3974.
All proceeds benefit the operations of the Buffalo Gap Historic Village, an outdoor museum that captures and portrays the last fifty years of the Texas Frontier—part of the McWhiney History Education Group which also includes State House Press, the Reddell and Parsonage Guest Houses, and the McWhiney Collection. For more on this organization, go to
All proceeds benefit the Buffalo Gap Historic Village, a program of the McWhiney History Education Group a Texas-based 501 (c) 3 public charity dedicated to history education and historic preservation