Vitalant Needs Donors to Boost Critical Blood Shortage
Blood supplies in medical facilities have been in short supply due to the coronavirus. Vitalant, a major nonprofit collector of blood serving over 40 states, has declared a critical shortage of blood and is putting out an urgent call to donors.
Blood drives have been canceled throughout America since early March because of the Shelter-in-place orders which resulted in a major loss of blood donations.
After many restrictions have now been lifted, more surgeries are being done which further impacts the need for blood.
All blood types and platelets are critically needed right now, especially for type O, A-negative and B-negative red blood cells.
Vitalant is urging Donors to give blood as soon as possible:
Dr. Ralph Vassallo, Chief Medical Officer at Vitalant says “It’s absolutely vital—a matter of life or death for some—to have enough blood collected and readily available on hospital shelves when patients need it.”
To find a location near you and make an appointment, call 877-258-4825 or click on Vitalant.org.