Walk To Remember is This Sunday
The White Rose Bereavement group is holding its annual “Walk to Remember” this Sunday, Oct. 6 at 2:30 p.m., starting near the pine tree behind the old Central Fire Station at City Park (corner of Twohig & Magdalen).
The walk will then proceed to the Baby’s Rose Garden at the Shannon Women & Children’s building for planting a rose bush in loving memory of infants who have died.
Former President Ronald Reagan named October National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month to remember the 870,000 babies that die each year through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, or newborn death. A “Walk to Remember,” held during October, honors those babies.
Since 1988, many perinatal loss groups across the country have taken the opportunity during October to pause, to remember, and to honor the precious babies whose short lives have touched the hearts and lives of their parents, families, and friends through a “Walk to Remember.” The walk is designed to raise public awareness and to ensure families receive the sensitivity they deserve.
For further information, please call Cindy Rogerson at (325) 481-6332.