An Open Letter to the Parents or Guardians Homeschooling Kids
Dear parents or guardians, you got this!
I'm writing to you to give you positive vibes during this intense time. I know you have a lot on your plate as it already is. But if you can handle your workload from work you can definitely teach your kids what you've learned before. This is the perfect time to bond with your kid/nephew/niece and show them the tricks of the trade. You may feel overwhelmed since they have resorted to digital instead of going the old school route with textbooks. But just think, you and the little one can both learn something new along the way.
While you're homeschooling just think about how you would want your teacher to teach you. There are plenty of resources to help homeschool your child at home. All the subjects you will be teaching consume about the same amount of time they spend in school if not more. This is where your patience will be tested and hopefully, you can pass with flying colors. One thing for sure about homeschool is that it feels comforting knowing your child is safe from catching Covid-19.
I would like to say props to the parents who don't have the leisure of working at home like some. Those parents leave one job just to do another when they arrive at home. Some parents are already on week 2 of homeschooling and have been humorous about it. While there are others barely starting their first week as a teacher this week. But I bet all parents will be on the same page and say week 2 is done and the kids have graduated. I salute you for not only doing your job but also performing the role of a teacher at home.
Sincerely your fellow stressed parent,