Crash Kelley

Death on the Job: Texas Says “NO” To Water Breaks in the Heat
The Governor signed House Bill 2127, which will go into effect on September 1. This bill will nullify any local city ordinances that require water breaks for employees who work in the heat and prevent any local jurisdiction in the state from passing such laws in the future.

Walmart Worker Goes Viral on TikTok Over Cost of Whataburger
The dire conditions for minimum wage earners are reflected in a viral TikTok from popular TikTok contributor Ray (@.ray_mtz03).

Why Isn’t Father’s Day Celebrated As Much As Mother’s Day?
When asked in the LendEDU survey which holiday is more important, Mother's Day or Father's Day, 24.2% said Mother's Day and only 1.8% said Father's Day. The rest, 74%, said "neither" they are equally important. Clearly, that is not true overall if overall retail spending on both holidays is considered.

Are You Doing It Wrong? The Right Way To Swipe
Card swiping technique is apparently a bigger problem than most of us realize. A Walgreens employee is going viral on TikTok, documenting how bad card swipers hold up the checkout line in the store where she works.

Have You Seen Fishzilla In Texas Yet?
The worst part about the Northern Snakehead is that it can live out of water for up to three days.
They are dangerous to humans and can completely disrupt the natural environment wherever they are introduced. This fish can lay up to 15 thousand eggs at a time and spawn up to five times a year.

How To Soothe Fire Ant Bites And Why They Hurt So Bad
There are many if you are looking for a home remedy to treat your fire ant bites. Several websites say they've tested them all and found that some work better than others.

Lurking Blue, Green Danger in San Angelo Lakes and Rivers
In the past, blue-green algae have been found in the Concho River, O.H. Ivie Reservoir, Twin Buttes Reservoir, and Lake Nasworthy. Awareness is the key to preventing illness in people or death in livestock and pets.

If You Notice These In A San Angelo Pool–Get Out Immediately
In recent years, several severe outbreaks of serious illnesses have been caused by swimming in contaminated pool water. Dangerous bacteria like C. difficile and E. Coli can cause severe and even life-threatening intestinal illness. Fortunately, none of these have occurred in our area.

Texas Cities Struggle to Make The Best “Staycation” List
Amarillo is #62? Palo Duro Canyon State Park is nearby, but I think the summer smell of the stockyards would make the average citizen of Amarillo want to "stay" anywhere else during their vacation.

Men Are Urinating All Wrong Says A Doctor
Peeing while standing up just seems natural for men. After all, that's the whole principle behind the urinal.
Anyone who has ever had to clean up the mess after men who miss might beg to differ.
That is a topic for a whole other conversation.