Goodfellow Air Force Base will be involved in an exercise and practicing a heightened state of security this Thursday, April 20th.

courtesyStockTrek Images
courtesyStockTrek Images

Individuals in the area may hear the ‘giant voice’, a loud speaker used to announce weather and safety conditions to the base, and should not be alarmed. Delays at the gates can be expected during the exercise.

Like other military installations, Goodfellow monitors potential threats to the security of its personnel and resources and responds with appropriate action whenever those threats escalate.

These actions may be indicated by anything from nonspecific hostilities directed at government personnel or facilities, to threats directed specifically at Goodfellow. The level of security response adjusts accordingly.

It is paramount to ensure the people of Goodfellow enjoy the safest environment and practicing appropriate threat response posture is an integral part of that base security program.

The San Angelo community may experience some inconveniences caused by heightened security measures on base. We regret any inconveniences these measures may cause our visitors.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Goodfellow Public Affairs at (325) 654-3876 or

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