Jack Ingram Tells the Story of Blaine Martin, Merle Haggard and the Ferris Wheel
If you're from around these parts, you probably know about Blaine Martin and his Ferris wheel.
But do you know the story behind the former owner of Blaine's Pub and what lead Martin to ride the Ferris wheel and attempt to break a Guinness World Record? Well Jack Ingram has a song called “Blaine’s Ferris Wheel” on his latest album ‘Midnight Motel’. He has told the story on how Merle Haggard was a part of the reason Martin set out to break the Ferris wheel record. Click on the above YouTube video link and check out the hilarious story as Jack tells it and an acoustic version of "Blaine's Ferris Wheel".
And sound off Concho Valley if you know any good stories about the late Blaine Martin, but please keep 'em clean! Let us know in the below comment section. We'd love to hear any stories you'd like to tell.
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