Office Closings And Trash Changes For Thanksgiving
As you probably figured, count on a lot of San Angelo offices being closed for Thanksgiving Day, but be aware that most of these closures will run through Friday as well and the trash pick-up schedule will also be adjusted.
Trash will not be picked up on Thanksgiving Day and the landfill will be closed this Thursday as well.
The Trash pickup schedule has been adjusted as follows:
Residents whose scheduled pickup day is Thursday will get their pick-up on Friday, Nov. 27th. If your normal residential collection day is Friday, you will receive your service on Saturday, Nov 28th.
As far as Commercial customers whose normal collection day is Thursday, they will receive their service either Wednesday or Friday.
Some of the City operations that will be closed Nov. 26th & 27th include:
San Angelo-Tom Green County Health Department
McNease Convention Center
Parks and Recreation offices
Municipal Court
San Angelo Animal Shelter
Water billing offices
Fort Concho will be closed Thanksgiving Day but the Fort will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 27th & will be open during its normal weekend hours.
The San Angelo Nature Center will be open from noon to 5 on Saturday, Nov. 28th.
The San Angelo-Tom Green County Health Department will continue to report COVID-19 numbers on Nov. 26th -27th although, they will only be reporting daily positive case numbers.
City offices will reopen at 8 a.m. Monday, Nov. 30.

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