San Angelo’s Weekly Events and Activities
It's a fun week in the Concho Valley with a Marksman Shootout, a Bike Fest, a couple of plays, a walk, and more....
Help our San Angelo Firefighters to 'Fill the Boot' this Wednesday - Friday (4/26-4/28) at 4 intersections in San Angelo. Look for them at 29th & N. Bryant, Abe & Harris, Johnson & knickerbocker, and Sherwood Way and Ave. N. All proceeds benefit MDA, which helps many families here in the Concho Valley.
The San Angelo Symphony's Music In Literature Program provides a wonderful opportunity to expose elementary-age children to the power of music in literature.
The Program is this Saturday, April 29th at 1 pm, for grades K-5 at Stephens Central Library, 33 W. Beauregard. Admission is free. For more information, call the Symphony office at 658-5877.
The Southwest Council of Boy Scouts presents the 'Marksman Shootout' this Saturday, April 29th at the Boy Scout Camp at Fort McKavett. Shooters will get 17 shots at distances from 100 to 500 yards. The cost is $100 per shooter. Register on line at tinyurl.com/2017bsamarksman or call the scout office at 655-7107.
Enjoy The Broadway play Gypsy at the Angelo Civic Theatre this Friday, April 28th through Sunday May 7th at 1936 Sherwood Way. For more information call 949-4400 or visit angelotheater.com.
The 42nd Colorado River Bike Fest is this Saturday, April 29th featuring a 5k walk, run or ride plus there will be longer tours up to 100 kilometers. Everything begins at the courthouse in Ballinger. To register, go to ballingernoonlions.org.
The Walk for Autism will be at the Paseo this Saturday, April 29th. Registration begins at 8:30 and the walk starts at 10 am. Teams and individual walkers are welcome and you can register at the arcofsanangelo.org. All proceeds benefit the autism community in San Angelo and the surrounding area.
ASU presents "Doubt, A Parable", a Drama by John Patrick Shanley this Thurs. - Sun. April 27th-30th and May 4th-6th, in the ASU Modular Theatre.
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