There are just some people in the world who feel a nagging pain in their heart when they don't own the latest anything tech. Today, when Apple announced their newest iPhone, the iPhone14, many who had the previous most advanced iPhone could feel their hearts sink.

The newest iPhone is a major advancement in many areas. Some of the new features are especially important for people who live here in San Angelo and West Texas.  It is no secret that it can be a long way from anywhere once you leave town. There are roads here in West Texas where you can go hours with no reliable cellphone connection.

The new iPhone14 can connect you, even when you don't have access to cell service. According to Apple's official iPhone14 website, Apple designed components and software allow the iPhone 14 antennas to connect to satellite frequencies.

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Photo: Apple
Photo: Apple

No matter how far you are from civilization here in West Texas, if you have an emergency and clear view of the sky, you can get help. IPhone front loads a few questions to assess your situation, just tap to respond, Then once connected your iPhone can send your answers. location, Medical ID and battery levels to the nearest emergency service worker.

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The ability of the new iPhone to communicate with satellites, also allows you to share your location with friends, even if you're off the grid. As isolated as West Texas can be, these services will save lives here.

Another great lifesaving feature in the iPhone14 is "Crash Detection". The phone has a new high g-force accelerometer that can sense extreme accelerations or decelerations up to 256 G's. It also has a high dynamic range gyroscope to monitor drastic changes in your car's orientation.

The tech was developed with advanced motion algorithms. It has a barometer to detect the pressure changes in a crash and a microphone to identify the sounds of a collision

Photo: Apple
Photo: Apple

Of course, the bigger screen, better variety of colors, incredibly upgraded cameras. enhanced privacy protection and other features also are icing on the cake for the new iPhone 14.  However, when it comes to real life saving features, the satellite connectivity and collision detection are by far the most valuable for those of us here in West Texas.

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At least now, when you heart yearns for the latest tech, here in West Texas you can justify the expense of trading up to the new iPhone 14 by seeking comfort from the many features that will truly help to keep you safe in this relatively isolated part of the world. Get your order in  fast.  You don't want to miss out.

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