
5 Signs Your Animal Has Chronic Pain – Animal Pain Awareness Month
September has been designated “Animal Pain Awareness Month” by the International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management, and doctors from North Houston Veterinary Specialists are urging pet parents to reflect on this often-overlooked problem that affects pets everywhere...

How to Talk Beer (Just in Time for America On Tap San Angelo)
America On Tap, San Angelo's first craft beer festival, is right around the corner. October 3rd is going to bring all sorts of delicious beers to your fingertips. Buy your tickets online, and spread the word to your friends and family. The more people to show, the more beer there will be...

What Are the Most Google Searched Terms in Texas?
Estately was kind enough to wade through eleven whole years of Google search data to bring us this gem. We all know that each state in America is unique, but this shows just how deep and weird we all are. Jeesh, Georgia: meth recipe? And, West Virginia: chastity belts...

Angelo State University Not on List of Schools With Most Ashley Madison Accounts
This is one of those lists you don't want to make. After the Ashley Madison hackers released the information of millions of account holders, we are pleased to announce that Angelo State University did not make the top 10 list.
The IT team over at InsideHigherEd downloaded the entire list of Ashley Madison members and analyzed it...

Top 10 Baby Names in Texas for 2014 Were…
For the past few years folks have be straying from the 'typical' baby names in favor of more unique names. North, Titan, Royal, Ransom, Buzz, and Blue are just a few that we can name. However, these types of names are in the minority.
The Social Security Administration released it's list of the most popular baby names in 2014...

How Many People in San Angelo Had Ashley Madison Accounts?
By now you've heard all about the Ashley Madison hacking, and the subsequent release of private account information onto the internet. From some top level politicians and celebs to regular Joe Shmoes, there is a lot of explaining to do.
But, that seems rather far removed from our lovely little town...

San Angelo Health Department Offers Back to School Immunizations
The San Angelo - Tom Green County Health Department will offer immunization clinics on Monday and Tuesday, August 17th and 18th, for families with students who are uninsured or covered by Medicaid.
The Health Department, located in Suite 8 at 2030 Pulliam St...

Perfect Viewing Conditions for 2015 Perseid Meteor Shower
The Perseid meteor shower will take place tonight, August 12th, and August 13th. WTRF says the best time to view the shower is around 3AM. Find someplace away from the city lights, and enjoy. It's supposed to be spectacular.
According to NASA, every 133 years the Swift-Tuttle comet makes its way through our solar system, and Earth passes through the debris left behind...

What’s Your Favorite Texas Brewed Beer?
Texas is as well known for their beer as we are for anything else. Unfortunately, when people not from Texas think of Texas beers, they can only think of Lonestar and Shiner at times.
However, Texas as a ton of breweries that put of some of the best beer around...

7 Facts About Beer You May Not Know
America On Tap will be in San Angelo October 3rd at the River Stage. There is going to be an awesome selection of beers to choose from, so you don't want to miss out.
While you're sampling all the awesome beer that will be there, you can impress everyone around you with these awesome beer facts we've compiled just for you...