Few Ways To Help You From Not Getting Sick
I've been out for the past few days with a nasty case of Tonsillitis. I decided to give some few quick ways on how to NOT get sick during the Holidays!
Since the time is upon us for the cold and flu season, here is a few tips for you! You definitely want to make sure you are always washing or sanitizing your hands all day long. Germs are everywhere this season and you don't know whether someone has washed their hands or not (ew)! Make sure you are staying hydrated, you can never drink too much water, plus staying hydrated helps fight an infection so much easier than say you drinking a lot of carbonated drinks.
Another good tip is take vitamins. My parents always used to make me take vitamins but as being a broke college student, my mind doesn't always think about taking vitamins as the first thing I do every day. So even I am at fault for that, but taking vitamins boosts your immune system to help you void off those unwanted bacteria that are just waiting to get you sick! Eating well is another great thing to do to help you from getting sick. I do hope these few tips will help you from not getting sick like I did for the past two days!