2021 San Angelo Rodeo Will Be at 100 Percent Capacity
We have some great news for fans of our San Angelo Rodeo.
After Governor Greg Abbott announced ending the coronavirus restrictions as of March 10th, the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association has announced that this year's Rodeo will be filled to 100 percent capacity.
Aren't you glad the San Angelo Rodeo Association decided to move the dates back for our rodeo rather than having to cancel it entirely as some other major Texas rodeos have done.
Of course, there's no magic saddle for our committee to be able to foretell that we would be so fortunate in having those COVID-19 restriction's lifted.
You probably know that the Stock Show was held at the regularly scheduled dates as the show animals were raised to be at their best for showing at that time. I do wish the general public could have been able to attend and check out the show barns and such but the restrictions were still in place during that time.
However, the premium sale will be held as a part of the upcoming rodeo which is great news now that attendance will not be affected and hopefully that will mean much more money being bid on these awesome animals that our youth have been responsible for raising.

With the lifting of those restrictions, San Angelo is hoping to make this a banner year as far as not only attendance, but also a tremendous amount of much needed money to help get our local economy back on track.
In case you're wondering if this includes all events during the rodeo and on the fair grounds: yes, it does. Everything from the carnival to the beer barn will operate at full capacity.
Visit the San Angelo Rodeo's website to start purchasing your tickets when they go on sale starting March 15th, 2021. You can also purchase them at the box office of the San Angelo Coliseum.
Get ready for Rodeo action in San Angelo, April 9th - 24th, 2021.
For more information, click here.
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