Stocking Is Done San Angelo – Let’s Fish For Rainbow Trout!
It's time to do some fishing for Rainbow Trout which have been in the process of being stocked in and around San Angelo waterways this week by the Inland Fisheries San Angelo District - Texas Parks and Wildlife department.
We are talking about a lot of fish being stocked. 665 Rainbow Trout were stocked just before noon today in the Concho River downtown San Angelo. TPWD said this batch had good size to them, averaging 12 inches long.
Just after 1 pm this past Wednesday, Jan 19th, 300 Rainbow Trout were stocked at the San Angelo State Park and 600 at Foster Park.
Inland Fisheries San Angelo District did say on their Facebook page that "some of the Rainbow Trout are a little smaller than normal. Due to feed supply shortages, they weren't able to grow them out to sizes they typically stock, but their still big enough to catch and enjoy."
Fishing is a relaxing and enjoyable experience and Texas is big on making sure our state's anglers have plenty of fish in our waterways. Between November of 2021 and March of 2022 The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is looking to stock over three hundred and thirty thousand rainbow trout.
Children under 17 are not required to have a fishing license, but a fishing license with a freshwater fishing endorsement is required for adults in the family. You may or may not know that anglers can fish in a Texas State Park for free without a fishing license. We've got a Texas State Park so take advantage of that opportunity.
Rainbow trout are both fun to catch and delicious for dining so get out there, have some fun and catch tonight's dinner!

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