The Green Apple Art Center in Eden is proud to present Joshua Ray Walker this Saturday, September 24th. Check out the video in this post and get your tickets!!
The 2020 concert schedule continues this Saturday, Aug 29th at the Green Apple Art Center with two great Artist who have been on the Texas/Red Dirt music scene for years. Make plans to see Drew Kennedy & Josh Grider.
Eden’s Green Apple Art Center was founded in 2012 to provide an outlet for artists of all genres to showcase their talents. Over the years, they have brought you some awesome live bands and are ready to share their new schedule with you for 2020.
The Green Apple Art Center in Eden is kicking off yet another concert series this Saturday night, March 18th and they have a great band for you called the Black Lillies...
I had the pleasure of spending a little time with Josh Jenkins, lead singer of Green River Ordinance this morning on the 'Kickin' Wake-Up Call' to talk about their upcoming show in Eden......
Craig is a board member of the 501C3 nonprofit and he works as the music coordinator and dropped by the 'Kickin' Wake-Up call' this morning to talk about their music series and Bonnie Bishop who is next on the schedule Saturday, March 26th..
It's been a minute since Johnny Cooper has been in this area but he is returning next Saturday. Join Johnny and the guys in Eden, TX at the Green Apple Art Center.