Work has started on the low water crossing near McDonald's in San Angelo. The city of San Angelo says the road work will take approximately 2 months according
Stay informed of events and activities in and around San Angelo. Take a moment to check out what is going on now and coming up with the latest updates here.
Wal-Mart has announced plans to close 269 stores across the U.S. and globally. According to a press release, officials with Wal-Mart indicated that after assessing their portfolio for 2015, there was a need for these closures to ensure Wal-Mart remains a healthy business.
Come out this Saturday and Sunday for a fun day watching the best Radio controlled model aircraft flying at the 34th annual Fall Fun Fly In.
Aircraft of all sizes including giant 45% scale models will take to air starting at 9 am each day at Angelo Radio Control Club’s airfield on Arden RD,1 mile west of Jim Bass Ford...
The San Angelo Police Department is reporting a shut down of the Houston Harte Loop at the Howard St. Bridge. The loop has been shut down due to an accident and officials are advising motorists to avoid the area.
The Americana Music Fest was held recently in Nashville and Rolling Stone Magazine was there. The magazine singled out the Randy Rogers Band as one of the highlights of the fest.
Rolling Stone had this to say about RRB:
Just before Americana Music Festival kicked off in earnest, Randy Rogers Band invited some industry folks to preview their just-announced seventh full-band album, Nothing Shines Li