The Secret To Winning It All For The Rams Might Be You
Story and Photos: Doug Schwartz
Remember how it felt when you were a kid the night before Christmas. There was that feeling in the pit of your stomach, the feeling of pure excitement and anticipation. For fans of the Rams Baseball team at Angelo State University, that feeling is strong today. Everything is coming down to this climactic weekend.
For Coach Brooks and his team, the emotions of this moment are mostly surely there but kept in check by steadfast mental concentration. You can't build a winning legacy by letting your emotions get the best of you, and building a winning legacy is exactly what Coach Brooks has done at Angelo State University.

This weekend this team is heading towards a fourth appearance at the College World Series. The last hurdle to get there is taking out the Mavericks of Colorado Mesa University. Coach Brooks has his team primed and ready to go.
The Rams are coming off an emotional series last weekend against Texas A&M – Kingsville, where the Rams won game one 14-3 and dropped game two in a squeaker 12-11. The Rams came back Sunday to clinch the series with a score of 14-2.
I got a chance to watch practice today and had a few minutes to talk to the Coach and some of his players. The one thing that ran throughout the conversation was how important it is to get fans in the seats, and as you can probably tell, the Rams will make sure you only need the edge. The #RAMFAM needs to get out there, make noise for the team this weekend, and help send the Rams to their 4th College World Series.
Don’t underestimate how significant home-field advantage is for a team. These young men have spent their lives getting to this point and face the penultimate moment in many of their sports careers. Let’s see if we can’t fill that stadium to overflowing and let Colorado know they are in West Texas and we support our team.
Game one kicks off at Foster Field on Friday, May 27th at 7:00. You can get your tickets online or at the box office for $10 each.
Angelo State Rams Baseball
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