8.25.2022 Will The Real Burger Day Please Stand Up.
Burgers are so popular that they don't just have one "burger day" a year. There are basically three burger days observed every year. There's International Burger Day in May, and another random Burger Day in December. Burger Day is coming up Thursday, August 25th. That is the main burger day in the UK and is widely celebrated here in the U.S. as well.
There is also a National Cheeseburger Day. We celebrate that day on September 18th.
So, how did the August Burger Day get started? It was started by the British email publication Mr. Hyde. It was invented to be a day meant for indulging in hamburgers guilt free.
No matter when you celebrate "Burger Day" or how often, here in San Angelo we have a lot of tasty burger options. To find the best, we asked our listeners on social media a simple question. "Where is your favorite spot in San Angelo to grab a burger? We received a large number of responses. Here are the top mentioned burger spots in San Angelo as recommended by you.
Whiskey River Saloon 125 E Concho San Angelo
With burger battles every month, you can tell these guys are serious about their burgers. I'm not sure who is going to win the burger battle for August, but I know one thing. There are NO LOSERS in this burger battle. According to Whiskey River's website, the saloon has been making a splash in San Angelo since 2017. From talking to customers and reading your comments, one thing is abundantly clear. The atmosphere, the waitstaff and service just make these incredible burgers taste that much better. The burgers at Whiskey River Saloon are so good, it's like we need a whole new name for them, because, this is burgers taken to a whole "nother" level.
Dun Bar East Restaurant 1728 Bus US Highway 67 San Angelo
If you subscribe to the idea that things today just aren't as good as they used to be, then you will feel right at home enjoying a delicious Dun Bar burger. The secret to their incredible burgers, well, it's a secret, but if we had to guess. We would say that the secret is the incredible quality of their meat. This is quality steak and quality steak makes a burger that is hard to beat. Perhaps, as the years have progressed and so many people have taken comfort in fast food burgers, the quality and craftsmanship of Dun Bar's burgers reminds those of us who remember, just how good things used to be. If you're too young to remember, take a bite and discover what a real burger is supposed to be.
Twisted Root 335 Chadbourne Street San Angelo
This is another great place to taste nostalgia on a bun. I mean look at this incredible restaurant. It's a true San Angelo landmark, built in 1958 when burgers and malts were king. Today, this incredible dining experience offers a full bar and a full view of downtown, the river and the spectacular park through large garage doors that open to a stunning covered patio. Not only are the burgers incredible, but the homemade milk shakes are the perfect compliment. These burgers are so good, you may be too busy enjoying them to even look at your mobile phone. Although you will be tempted to take a photo, so you won't forget this incredible burger epiphany.
The Grill 5769 Sherwood Way San Angelo
From looking at the food on The Grill's Facebook page or their website, it's hard to imagine anything on their menu could be anything but top notch. The presentation, the style, the carefully chosen flavors, the herbs and spices all come together here. When a regular burger won't do, head to The Grill. This is the geographic location where burgers and gourmet intersect. The flavor here is truly big enough to be seen from space. It's easy to understand why so many mention this as a great San Angelo location to "grab a burger".
City Limits North Bar and Steakhouse 4205 S. Bryant Boulevard
The burgers here were mentioned by more than a few of our listeners. Also, the google reviews are pretty impressive. More than a few reviewers mention the live music, the service, the fun atmosphere and last, but not least the great burgers. If you're looking for a top notch burger, our listeners and the google reviews can't be wrong. Perhaps. its time to test your limits at City Limits.
Lonestar Cheeseburger Company 333 W. Beauregard Ave. San Angelo
The Lonestar Cheeseburger Company is a cutting edge restaurant on wheels. Their mission, according to their website is simple: "Produce the best burgers in Texas". There are many who subscribe to the idea that they have succeeded. These burgers are all made with Angus beef carefully grilled over a custom made wood-fired grill. All the toppings are hand selected by Chef Tim and the buns are baked fresh every day. Who says a great burger can't come from a truck? These burgers are a staple at special events in San Angelo. To many, these burgers make these events, even more "special"
Heff's Burgers 2902 Sherwood Way San Angelo
Another great burger restaurant makes it's home on Sherwood Way in San Angelo. It must be very hard if you travel that road often, to resist the burger temptations. Heff's has some devoted fans. Perhaps, its the fresh, never frozen, beef. Perhaps, its the choice of toppings like American Cheese, Pepper Jack, Swiss, Jalpenos, Mushrooms, green chiles or a side of ranch. The premium toppings sound even better like bacon, fresh avocado or fried egg. Perhaps, its the size of these burgers. These meaty burgers are guaranteed to leave you satisfied. There is even a rumor going around San Angelo that Heff's Burgers are truly addictive. If that is true, who needs rehab, just throw another slab of that delicious beef on the grill.
Of course these aren't the only places in San Angelo to get a good burger. These ARE the places you, our listeners, mention as their favorites. Other honorable mentions include the food truck Julio's Burgers, Texas Burger, Sunset, Jr. Big Burger and My Grill. It's enough to make you go Keto.
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