Governor Abbott Announces National Guard Response to COVID-19

The Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced on Friday that three of the National Guard Task Force Brigades are being deployed as part of the response to COVID-19. The 72nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, the 56th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, and the 176th Engineer Brigade will operate ten general support units located throughout the state.
"Whether it’s overseas combat, major storms, or deadly viruses, the Texas National Guard is always quick to defend and serve their fellow Texans," said Governor Abbott said in a press release. "Texans can be grateful that these troops are now standing their post alongside healthcare professionals and first responders on the front lines of this crisis."
The Guard will be focused on two critical missions: Assisting drive-through testing sites and bolstering the state's healthcare infrastructure.
The Guard has been training and running simulated drive-through sites in preparation to ensure a seamless process to keep Texans safe and also limit Guard contact with potentially infected citizens.
The Guard will also support the healthcare infrastructure with equipment and supplies. They will also continue working to identify and develop additional locations that can be converted into healthcare facilities.
To ensure the health and safety of the National Guard members a trained medical staff will accompany each unit.
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