As Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie begin to hammer out the details of their divorce, opinions continue to roll in from fellow celebrities who've been in the couple's orbit over the years. One such celebrity is singer Melissa Etheridge, who on Monday (October 3) said she empathizes with Pitt over his current custody battle, which includes a reported FBI investigation of child abuse on Pitt's part. After those remarks, according to Etheridge, Jolie's team of Scandal-esque "fixers" reached out to her...and she wrote a song about.

"It breaks my heart that anyone would take something as personal as your marriage and your relationship and your rights to your children and do it as purposefully as I see it’s being done,” Etheridge first said on Andy Cohen's Sirius XM show. Etheridge performed at Pitt's wedding to Jennifer Aniston, and though Pitt's former friend hasn't spoken to the Mr. and Mrs. Smith actor in "years," she considers the abuse allegations "completely unfounded" and "heartbreaking."

"I’ve gone through family courts. I’ve been twice around this block, and I know it really well," Etheridge told Cohen. "And I know when there’s some forethought to just how mean [you can be] and just how you’re going to put disinformation out there first."

She also echoed Chelsea Handler's comments about Pitt retreating from former friend circles while with Jolie: "I really hope that he reaches back out because there are a lot of us who haven’t seen him in 10 years."

Cohen invited Etheridge onto Watch What Happens Live two days later on October 5, where — as fellow guest Kelly Clarkson looked on, fascinated —  she told the Bravo bigwig that Angelina Jolie's people reached out to her.

"Well, there are people whose jobs it is to 'fix' things for celebrities, who don't want..." Etheridge told Cohen and Clarkson. 

"Olivia Pope, Scandal," Kelly offered.

"The Olivia Pope of Team Angelina," Cohen seconded.

Etheridge continued, "And I understand, sometimes we say things, and I haven’t spoken to Brad in forever, certainly not since he was with Angelina … every time I say something it gets turned around and twisted, and all of a sudden I’m saying something about her. So I thought I would do what I do best and I wrote a song about it! I just finished it in the dressing room."

Check out the Grammy-winner's latest in the WWHL clip:

As estranged and current friends rally around Brad, who has come to Angelina's defense? Not too many in the Hollywood sphere, it turns out — the actress and activist has herself told Marie Claire that she isn't too much of a girls' girl, preferring to put all her eggs in the Brad basket.

"It was nice for me to play with other girls; I don't really have girlfriends in movies, if you've noticed," she says, suggesting that the same is true off-camera, as well. She quickly corrects herself. "Well, I have a few girlfriends. I just ... I stay home a lot. I'm just not very social. I don't do a lot with them, and I'm very homebound."

Jolie, according to ET, does have two friends in British politicians Lady Arminka Helic and Chloe Dalton, though the site claims that a source told them Helic and Dalton have been "fueling the actress' aggressive approach against Pitt" in the divorce process. Whether or not that's true, Jolie definitely won't be hanging out with Brad's former friends anytime soon.

Check out the full lyrics to Melissa Etheridge's Angelina song below.

"Seems I said some things about an old, old friend that got people talking
Well I know broken hearts, a thing or two about divorce, I’ve been there before once...okay twice
I have not seen my friend in over ten years and I swear I have never, ever, ever, ever met his wife!

I’ll tell you what I ain’t picking no fight, none of my business who’s wrong or who’s right anyway that’s for sure / My opinion is mine you can take that and a dime and have a good time on your Google search...

"Fixer, I hope you understand that to scandalize was never my plan / Reminiscing I was flowing, I was hanging with my good friend Andy Cohen / Talking about our spouses in our own glass houses,” Etheridge said.

So the moral of this story is divorce is a bitch and nobody wins / Let’s not do onto others and please forgive us our sins, life is too hard anyway
So when you chatting with Andy you better watch what you say."


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