San Angelo Weekend Events
There's lots to do this weekend, so get out and enjoy some nice weather and fun!
The 5th Buddy Walk for Down Syndrome will be at Kirby Park beginning at 10am. There’s music, raffles, and lots of fun activities to help kids who deal with Down Syndrome. Go to westtexasdsa.com for registration and event information.
Join us for the Breast Cancer Burrito Breakfast this Friday at Schneider Distributing from 7-9am. Get a delicious, fresh, homemade breakfast burrito with sausage, eggs, bacon, cheese, and all the trimmings for your generous donation to the American Cancer Society! If you would like to pre-order for everyone in your office, call 482-8922.
The 12th Flight of the Monarchs Trail Ride will be at the San Angelo State
Park this Saturday & Sunday. It’s a full weekend of horse riding, walking hikes
to photograph the butterflies, chuck wagon dinner & breakfast catered by Fiddlefire, live cowboy music, Cowboy Church, poker run and much more. Call Linda at 656-4322 for reservations and more information.
The San Angelo Elks Lodge will have their semiannual garage sale from 8am until Noon at 2121 S. Chadbourne. The lodge is also accepting items for that sale by calling 227-6920. All proceeds benefit their youth and military veteran’s programs.
Rockin the Ranch and the Brews, Ewes, and Barbeque will be this Saturday downtown!
The Lion’s Club pancake breakfast is 8-11, Family Fun day at Celebration Bridge is from 9-2, ASU Homecoming Parade from 11-Noon, Barbeque Cookoff and home brew competition from Noon-5:30,and “Rockin’ the Ranch with great music to benefit the Boys Ranch is from 4-Midnight on W. Twohig.
Rockin the Ranch benefits the West Texas Boys Ranch and features:
Jason Eady, Courtney Patton, Micky & The Motorcars, Clearwater, Zac Wilkerson, Kyle Rae Harris, Jennifer Westwood and the Handsome Devils, Case Hardin, and Brushfire. Enjoy barbeque plates, cold beverages, t-shirts, and much more!
Get more information at downtownSan Angelo.com
The 13th Stop, Drop, and Roll Run will be at the East Concho Volunteer
Fire Department this Saturday, Oct. 8th. It features a 1 mile, 5 mile and half
marathon with prizes for the top runners, refreshments, and more. Register now at get me registered.com/stopdroproll or roadlizards.org.
The Asian-American Cultural Festival will be Saturday from 11-6 at the Paseo and admission is free! Enjoy different types of Asian Food, arts and crafts merchandise, dance performers, martial arts demonstrations, kid’s games, silent auction, raffles and more. Learn more at aaawtexas.net.
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