It may look good now but will we pay for our tans later?


May is National Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month according to the American Cancer Society.  So I have compiled a few tips for preventing that skin cancer for everyone getting ready to head out into the rays.

1. Wear at least 30spf sun screen and reapply every hour!

2. Stay out of the sun from 10 am to 4 pm this is when the suns rays are most hazardous!

3. Wear a wide brim hat to keep rays from burning your sensitive neck and face.

4. Wear sunglasses that block as close to 100 percent of UVA and UVB rays to prevent eye damage.

5. Avoid Indoor tanning (tanning beds). These have been linked back to melanoma cancers.


Following these simple steps to prevent sun damage to your skin and eyes will contribute to you not having painful days of sunburns and will help in the prevention of skin cancer.


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