San Angelo’s Weekly Events 01/12/16 – 01/17/16
If you are looking for some fun things to do this week in San Angelo, we have a list of possibilities for you that include a huge telethon, youth auditions for a musical, a free outdoor concert, an art playday, shopping opportunities, a bridal showcase, and more.
The 46th annual West Texas Rehab Telethon is this Saturday night from 7 til midnight. Sawyer Brown is the headlining band this year. The online auction features hundreds of items that you can bid on. To place your bids, for ticket information, and more just go to westtexasrehab.org.
SABA Auditions for Tarzan the Musical are being held this Saturday, January 16th at Sunset Mall Community room next to Sears. Youths 12 -18 years of age can call for an audition time at 325-763-4807.
Every 2nd Thursday (Jan 14th), of every month, the Chicken Farm hosts a free concert in the yard. Bring a lawn chair and a cooler, find a nice spot and listen to some fantastic music. The Chicken Farm is located at 2505 Martin Luther King. FMI call 325-653-4936.
Every Thursday is Art Thursdays at SAMFA! Enjoy an afternoon of art making in the San Angelo Museum of Fine Art Education Studio! They always feature clay and watercolor, and every three weeks there are two new art projects to try. Visitors are welcome to drop in anytime between 3 pm and 6 p.m. Please allow at least 30 minutes to try all projects.
Every 3rd Saturday (Jan. 16th) you are invited to enjoy Cactus Market Days. The outdoor market will showcase local crafters, designers and artists who will offer a variety of handmade items for sale. Vendors leasing space will be subject to a $20 fee with an additional $5 fee if they want an electrical hookup.The monthly arts and crafts fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 pm Saturday in the parking lot between the O.C. Fisher Federal Building and Tarpley Music Store at 13 E. Twohig Ave. FMI contact Judy Fowler at 325-949-6200 or 325-234-5566
The West Texas Bridal Showcase is this Sunday, January 17th from 1 pm- 5 pm at the San Angelo Coliseum. There will be booths for everything you need for your wedding plus $20,000 in prizes and giveaways! For more information, call 325-792-7100.
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